Aug 21, 2009

Sketchory - Chun Li

Couldn't resist to post this last one - brilliant!

[Get Adobe Flash player to see this as animation]


I'm back from vacation with this very cool website, full of "Creative Commons license" sketches like this one below

This website is based on Search for sketch and is organized by tags (you can actually participate in the tagging process)

In my opinion the top "cool" feature on Sketchory is to play the animation of the sketch, that's quite innovative and interesting ; especially if you're interested in learning how to draw manga for example.

[Get Adobe Flash player to see this as animation]

The website is here (including blog, labs, and random animation)

Now, if you feel like creating new sketches then you will have to do go there (Sketch Swap)
But, just in case you're about to create your lifetime masterpiece - read this first -

Aug 18, 2009

Opera: upgrading to Opera 10.0 beta 3

That couldn't have been easier - see pictures below
saved the .deb file - then launch Xfe as root right clicked on the deb file then select "install/upgrade" - and that was it!

Opera: Opera 10.0 beta 3 for Linux changelog

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